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Map is not a territory

UCLA M.S AUD Winter Tech Seminar

Instructor: Laure Michelon

Collaborators: Sanya Vithalkar, Junyi Miao, Ren Yatian, Srujana Boopananam


The motive of this  project was to explore concepts like build VR game from scratch and learn concepts like style transfer. The narrative of the game is as follows:

The location of this game is Metaverse New York, where one of the inhabitants is Bot. The balance and order of this New York is maintained by two magical orbs and one day these magical orbs are lost in different dimension due to an explosion. The mission for this bot is to restore orbs to New York to bring back its peace and order. 

Storyboarding for VR Game


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Step 2:The VR experience sequence (click on image below to enlarge)

Demo Game build

Testing of the VR game

Training of different kinds of models for style transfer

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