Cyber Arena
UCLA M.S AUD Summer Studio
Instructor: Nathan Su
Collaborators: Haowen Jiang, Sanya Vithalkar, Sung-Yen (Sky) Lee
A speculative project where people would abandon physical assets such as currency, art, and stock in the future, so the New York Stock Exchange deserted. After a few years, the exchange was reborn and became an NFT trading market, people scrambling to come here to bid for virtual art, music, etc.
This virtual space serves as a place for auctioning and a gallery for viewing digital assets in form of NFT'S (Non-Fungible Token) which includes images, sounds, and codes. Through the virtual reality headsets, this place could be accessed from anywhere around the world with the motive to have an immersive and interactive experience.
Infrastructure of the virtual arena, a marketplace for NFT
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Outsiders' perspective of abandoned stock market being replaced with VR to enter into the Cyber Arena
Insider's perspective of the Cyber Arena where the NFTs are being sold in Virtual Reality